Gaelic and Scots titles.
We are delighted to have the support of the Gaelic Book Council to produce our first graphic novel Saltire Invasion in the Gaelic language.
Saltire Invasion has been translated by Raghnaid Sandilands (translator of Asterix ann an Duthaich nan Cruithneach, 2013)
with the support of Dougie Beck and Ian MacDonald.
Saltire: Ionnsaigh was nominated for an Arts and Culture Award at the Gaelic Awards 2014. It was one of three finalists and an honour to be considered.
The Gaelic language edition of Saltire Invasion was launched at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on August 14th.
The Book is available through The Gaelic Book Council,Waterstones, Lomond Books and in our shop.
ISBN: 978-0-9566296-3-0
We hope to produce each of the Saltire graphic novels in Gaelic and appreciate the continued support of the Gaelic speaking community.
Saltire: Annihilation Part one and two are currently being translated for release 2017.
Nuair a tha aig dùthaich shìtheil ri cur an aghaidh cumhachd na Ròimhe, feumaidh a luchd-dìon seasamh còmhla no ùmhlachadh ro mheud na h-Ìmpireachd. Aig bristeadh an latha, tha am fear-dìon bith-bhuan ag èiridh gus cath a chur airson saorsa.
Laoch dha leithid cha robh aig Alba roimhe! Fàilte air Saltire!
Scots Language:
The Scots language edition of Saltire Invasion is OUT NOW. We have gain the full support of the Scots language centre and Scottish language dictionaries.
In order to ensure that the text is published to the highest standard in Scots, we will use reowned Scots translator Matthew Fitt. Matthew Fitt is one of the leading Scots writers of his generation. His work in Scots ranges from award-winning poetry to science-fiction, from non-fiction to children’s books. He is co-founder of the ground-breaking imprint Itchy Coo which has published over forty books in Scots for younger readers. He is an official Scots translator for the Scottish Parliament and has had his own writing translated into several languages. His Scots translations of popular writers such as Roald Dahl and Albert Uderzo are credited with introducing a whole new readership to the Scots language. Matthew has shown interest in all future issues of Saltire and will ensure the quality of the Scots translation is of the highest standard.
We hope to produce each of the Saltire graphic novels in Scots and appreciate the continued support of the Scots speaking community.