Saltire - Graphic Novel Series
A series centring round Scotland’s first comic book superhero, the dark and gritty world of the main character is a pseudo-history of the country and its mythology. Set entirely in the landscape of Scotland during pivotal moments from the past the novel will be familiar to those who enjoy the rich legends and traditions of Scotland.
NOTICE: We have now sold out of Saltire Annihilation 1/2. Both these books can still be found in the compendium "SaltireImmortal Guardian"

When a peaceful land is faced with the might of a vengeful enemy, its legendary guardians must stand as one or kneel before a tyrannical foe. Not human, not spirit or shadow, it will bring despair. As chaos reigns over a desolate time, embattled warriors confront the carnage of a belligerent God in a desperate conflict to protect the innocent. With courage shaken, faith tested, and hope extinguished amidst the fires of war, the immortal protector awakens to face the ultimate battle for freedom.
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SECOND EDITION (Deluxe extended edition) Full Colour Graphic Novel by John Ferguson. Pencils by Gary Welsh & Tone Julskjaer. Inked by Caire Roe, Coloured by Lauren Knight. Lettered by Phil Cover by Jim Devlin. Published by Diamondsteel Comics Ltd. Launched at Braehead Film and Comic Con, Braehead Arena, Glasgow Scotland.
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Saltire Annihilation is the epic two part graphic novel tale of Scotland's immortal superhero. Set in the Dark Ages, the story weaves ancient Caledonian mythology with modern superhero dynamics. The Dark Age, a desolate time. A power grows to the south. A power bent on destruction...on annihilation. Not human...not spirit or shadow. Unleashed, she will bring despair. To protect the innocent, the guardians will stand once more... As chaos reigns before a vengeful enemy he shall rise once more.
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"As blood thins and silence echoes, a fresh torment builds behind the southern wall. When heroes fall, who will stand against an unyielding force and the brutal terror from the earth? The freedoms of a nation laid bare before a cruel and tyrannical foe, for as one battle ends another must begin. To fight, to endure, to survive..."
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Saltire Legend Eternal Issue One - Comic Book (PaperBack- 32 pages) Saltire – Legend Eternal ISSUE ONE. Full Colour A4 Comic Book by John Ferguson. Art by Lydia Praamsma with Kasey Schiavone Cover by Kevin McGivern. Published by Diamondsteel Comics Ltd.
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Saltire Legend Eternal Issue TWO - Comic Book (PaperBack- 32 pages) Saltire – Legend Eternal ISSUE TWO. Full Colour A4 Comic Book by John Ferguson. Art by Lydia Praamsma with Kasey Schiavone Cover by Kevin McGivern. Published by Diamondsteel Comics Ltd.
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Saltire: Ionnsaigh Nominated at Scottish Gaelic Awards 2014 for Arts& Culture Award. Art by Gary Welsh & Tone Julskjaer. Translated by Raghnaid Sandilands. Supported by Gaelic Book Council. Nuair a tha aig dùthaich shìtheil ri cur an aghaidh cumhachd na Ròimhe, feumaidh a luchd-dìon seasamh còmhla no ùmhlachadh ro mheud na h-Ìmpireachd. Aig bristeadh an latha, tha am fear-dìon bith-bhuan ag èiridh gus cath a chur airson saorsa. Laoch dha leithid cha robh aig Alba roimhe! Fà ilte air Saltire
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The four part comic book series from Diamondsteel Comics. ​ "An unflinching gangster noir story." "A great creative team that really deliver the punch the story demands." - Comics Anonymous ​ Featuring 32 pages of full colour art created by the brilliant team of Toni Heredia, Phillip Vaughan and Robin Jones. Check out the new series from Saltire (nominated for Best British Comic and named Illustrated Book of the Year) creator John Ferguson.
Go to linkBased on Caledonian folklore and set within a pseudo-history of Scotland, this epic graphic novel series is visionary in depth and scale with an immortal protagonist, iconic in both visual appeal and comic book lore. Modern superhero dynamics add a contemporary element to a legendary character, from his creation in pre-history, through the age of empires, he stands against the gods and armies of the expanding world. Set within pivotal moments from the country’s past, aided by the ancestral clan guardians, he fights to defend his people’s way of life and retain their right to freedom. From Roman invasion, tyrannical Saxons and crazed Berserkers, to the manipulative Wars of Freedom and the tragic final reckoning of the Puritans, each adversary brings forth their army, their alchemy, and a villainous foe to challenge the legendary warriors and confront their ultimate protector.
Creator John Ferguson says “Saltire is an immortal being created thousands of years ago to protect Scotland and its people. He’s big, he’s blue and he’s ginger. He has Scottish values but he’s a traditional comic book superhero with a variety of super villains to contend with as the story progresses, a Scottish competitor to Batman and Spiderman if you like.”

When a peaceful land is faced with the might of a vengeful enemy, its legendary guardians must stand as one or kneel before a tyrannical foe. Not human, not spirit or shadow, it will bring despair. As chaos reigns over a desolate time, embattled warriors confront the carnage of a belligerent God in a desperate conflict to protect the innocent. With courage shaken, faith tested, and hope extinguished amidst the fires of war, the immortal protector awakens to face the ultimate battle for freedom.
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SECOND EDITION (Deluxe extended edition) Full Colour Graphic Novel by John Ferguson. Pencils by Gary Welsh & Tone Julskjaer. Inked by Caire Roe, Coloured by Lauren Knight. Lettered by Phil Cover by Jim Devlin. Published by Diamondsteel Comics Ltd. Launched at Braehead Film and Comic Con, Braehead Arena, Glasgow Scotland.
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Saltire: Ionnsaigh Nominated at Scottish Gaelic Awards 2014 for Arts& Culture Award. Art by Gary Welsh & Tone Julskjaer. Translated by Raghnaid Sandilands. Supported by Gaelic Book Council. Nuair a tha aig dùthaich shìtheil ri cur an aghaidh cumhachd na Ròimhe, feumaidh a luchd-dìon seasamh còmhla no ùmhlachadh ro mheud na h-Ìmpireachd. Aig bristeadh an latha, tha am fear-dìon bith-bhuan ag èiridh gus cath a chur airson saorsa. Laoch dha leithid cha robh aig Alba roimhe! Fà ilte air Saltire
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"When a peacefu laund is claimed by the aw-blooterin micht o Rome, its legendary guairdians maun staun as ane or bou the knee afore the muckle empire. As the day daws, the immortal protector opens his een and sterts the ultimate fecht for freedom. Weelcome tae Scotland's first supermannie!"
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